ملخص الانجليزي الثالث المتوسط الفصل الدراسي الاول 1446


ملخص مادة الانجليزي للصف الثالث المتوسط الفصل الدراسي الاول ف1 1446 بصيغة pdf او وورد. تنزيل ملخص كتاب الانجليزي ثالث متوسط ف1 2024.

عرض اونلاين ملخص الانجليزي الثالث المتوسط فصل اول

يمكنك الانضمام

الى قناة الصف الثالث المتوسط  على التلجرام 

فهرس الملخص
  • A. Choose the correct answer.
1-(last-ago- yesterday) year I were in Canada.
2-Did you (live - lived - living) in Jeddah?
3-when she was at school, she (see-saw - sees) her friend.
4-When Ali was little, I used to(played - playing- play )with toys.
5-1 asked my teacher a question (last - ago - yesterday).
6-where did they (work-worked working)?
  • A.Choose the correct answer.
1-Ali is (write - wrote -writing) the lesson.
2-My friend is going to(travel - travelled - traveling) to Europe next week.
3-It will (raining - rain - rains) soon.
4-1 am going to KSA to(visit - visited - visiting )relatives.
5- I'll go shopping while you (cook cooked cooking) dinner.
6-He's going to play football after he (do - does doing)his homework.


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