عرض اون لاين كتاب الانجليزي ثالث ثانوي علمي
- انظم الى قناة منهج ليبيا الجديد في التليجرام
محتوى الكتاب
Look of the pictures. What minor health problems do you think each person is suffering from?
C21 B Match what each person is saying to the correct picture.
0 My shoulder hurts. I did if ploying fennis.
I bumt my finger on the oven
I've got a broken leg. I fractured It in a motorbike accident
I feel dizzy. I need to lie down
I've got a bad wrist. I sprained if lifting weights in the gym.
I twisted my anikle playing football
My toe is bleeding. I cut it on a piece of glass on the beach.
My lips are really dry and sore.
Tve got a pain in my knee. It's really swollen.
I've got a terrible headache. Can I have some painkillers?
Di've got a sore throat. It hurts so much that I can't swallow
I have a temperature of 39
I have a very bad cold. I can't stop sneezing
I need this bucket because I think I'm going to be sick.
t was a calm morning in the beautiful seaside town of Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Twenty year-old Tariq Zaid, a tourist from Libya, was floating peacefully 150 metres from the shore when he felt something push him 1 didn't know what it was, he told reporters. I thought perhaps my airbed had hit a piece of wood. Then it pushed even harder and I fell into the water. That's when I saw it was a shark
He was trying to swim away when the shark bit his arm. Tariq, who was losing a lot of blood and thought he was about to die,
screamed as loud as he could. 1 was praying to Allah to save me he said, when some dolphins swam up and frightened the shark away. There were at least six of them and they made a circle around me. The shark couldn't get near me
Coastguard Jamal Elalawi heard Tariq's screams and rescued him by boat. While he was giving Tariq first aid on the boat, his partner, Ahmed Al Masri, called the emergency services
An ambulance was waiting for Tariq on the shore and he was immediately taken to the hospital at Sharm El Sheikh.
It was the most frightening day of my life, Tariq told reporters from his hospital bed That shark wanted to have me for breakfast but the dolphins saved me. thank Allah
Every year, around 114,000 smakers in the United Kingdom die from their habit. That's about Smoking in Britain is highest in the 20- people every day. age group It is illegal to sell cigarettes to children under the age of 18. Yet 20% of Britain's More than year alds are regular smokers. of smokers take up the habit when they
are teenagers.
Yes I do.
* People who smoke a packet of cigarettes a day die on average have never smoked. years earlier than people who
Every day in the United Kingdom, approximately 450 young people under the age of start smoking.
The British Government currently spends around $30 million a year on anti-smoking education campaigns. A further million is spent on measures to help people give up smoking.
More people in Britain die from smoking than from road accidents, poisoning and AIDS
Man-made KILLER
Quit smoking.
B Now do Exercise A on page 12 of the Workbook.
C Read the Vocabulary Tip then find another example of a phrasal verb in the texts above.