اختبار انجليزي ثالث متوسط الفصل الثاني 1446 pdf محلول

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اختبار ثالث متوسط الفصل الثاني انجليزي

Complete the sentences with for or since.
1. Nora has had the same TV _ 15 years.
2. I have had my laptop _ last June.
3. We have worked on this project _ a month.
Vocabulary (5 Marks)
Choose the best answer to fill in the blank in each question.
1. Digital is a word that relates to _.
a. technology
b. history
c. playing
d. shopping
2. I cooked the burgers on the _.
a. radio
b. printer
c. stove
d. watch
3. Interrupted means _.
a. fast
b. good
c. fly
d. stopped
4. A bus, a train, and a taxi are all kinds of _.
a. air quality
b. public transportation
c. crime rate
d. culture and recreation
5. _ is The bride of the red sea.
a. Riyadh
b. Dammam
c. Abha
d. Jeddah
Write the correct word under the picture.
Orthography (2 Marks)
1. He buys a new compu…er (v - t - r).
Answer: computer

2. Bus tic…et is expensive (v - u - k).
Answer: ticket


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