حل كتاب الطالب انجليزي اول ثانوي مسارات الفصل الثاني 1446 pdf

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كتاب الانجليزي محلول اول ثانوي مسارات الفصل الثاني 1446 pdf .

Unusual Accidents and Deaths
Many people are interested in stories of unusual accidents-some of these stories have happy endings, but some, unfortunately, have unhappy ones.
According to the legend, the ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus was killed when an eagle dropped a tortoise on his head. The bird was trying to break the tortoise's shell on a rock in order to eat it. Aeschylus was bald, and the eagle thought the unfortunate man's head was a good rock on which it could break the shell.
An eight-foot tall ostrich was seen weaving through heavy traffic on a Saudi Arabian highway, near Abha. One of the drivers filmed the scene and uploaded it on the internet. No one tried to stop and catch the 180-kg bird that was taller than humans and ran at almost 70 km per hour. It had probably escaped from a farm and ran into heavy traffic instead of the wild.
Some people worry about being hit from things falling from outer space. There is only one person in all recorded history who has been killed by a meteorite-Manfredo Settala. The tragedy happened in 1680.
Ahmad Ali lost his eight-year-old son in a drowning accident at a friend's house. His son had been invited to join other children at a friend's house to play and swim in the pool. According to the invitation a lifeguard was going to be present. The young boy was really excited and begged his father to let him go. So, Ahmad Ali picked him up from school and drove him to his friend's house before 1:00 p.m. That was the last time he saw him alive.
A German soldier was riding in the back seat of a World War I plane when the engine stalled as a result of an unusual gust of wind. He fell out of his seat while the plane was high above the ground. As he was falling, the plane's engine started again, and he landed back in his own seat. The pilot was then able to land the plane safely.


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